Agenda 2022


08 June 2022
Houston, Texas

Markets in Focus: Digitalization

Ben Hillary
Managing Director,
Commodities People
Opening Comments
Executive Panel
howard walper
Howard Walper
CEO Americas,
Commodities People
ernie trasher
Ernie Thrasher
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, Xcoal
melisa culbertson
Melisa Culbertson
Executive Director OTC Structured Product, RJO'Brien
Gregory Broussard
Gregory Broussard
Managing Director and Global Head of Financial Trading, Cargill
Witches brew (Geopolitics, ESG initiatives and the lingering impact of COVID-19)
  • How are company leaders positioning themselves in an era of high prices and extreme volatility?
  • How has the war on Ukraine impacted different markets? How will this impact markets in the long term?
  • What are the lingering impacts of COVID-19? Are supply chains springing back, and if not, how long until we are back to"normal?"
  • How has the focus on ESG changed the way companies operate, particularly carbon-intensive industries?
craig pirrong
Dr. Craig Pirrong
Professor of Finance, Bauer College of Business,
University of Houston
Impact of extreme volatility on large trading companies
keith barnet
Keith Barnett
Barnhill Energy
Ukraine invasion exposes weakness of global integration of commodities

-Impact of invasion on commodity markets
-Interrelationship between oil, natural gas, fertilizers, ag commodities, FX, inflation, etc.
-Need for top notch data sources, analytics and risk management systems

Exhibition Area
Exhibition Area
Panel Discussion
patrick reames
Patrick Reames
Co Founder and Managing Partner, Commodity Technology Advisory
sean britton
Sean Britton
Head of Trade Risk Control and Compliance, Musket Corp
robert balinski
Robert Balinski
Vice President Services, Enuit
jjm kiser
Jim Kiser
CEO, CapSpire
Identifying core requirements when selecting a technology system
  • Establishing priorities, from financial considerations to functionality, useability and scalability
  • Pros and cons of cookie cutter versus tailored solutions
  • Working with key stakeholders to prioritize system requirements.
  • Impact of regulatory developments on decision making
Panel Discussion
Jamila Piracci
Managing Director,
Patomak Global Partners
matthew moore
Matthew Moore
Associate Director, Risk Surveillance, Macquarie Group
Eric Osborn
Eric Osborn
Manager Monitoring Surveillance Americas Compliance Framework and Oversight, Shell Trading and Supply
gordon allot
Gordon Allott
President and CEO, Broadpeak Partners
Using technology to enhance ESG goals and to create a culture of trading compliance
  • Developing a mix of trading technologies (CTRM, Trade Surveillance, Machine Learning, RPA) to ensure regulatory compliance?
  • How do these technologies fit into an ESG strategy in regard to corporate governance?
Exhibition Area
Panel Discussion
Ben Hillary
Managing Director
Commodities People
Rod headshot 2 072021 (002)
Rod Hutchinson
Regional Business Development Manager, Veridapt
Profile Placeholder image. Gray silhouette no photo of a person on the avatar. The default pic is used for web design.
Uma Surana
Managing Director, Commodity and Trade Finance,
Hartree Partners
nicholaus rohleder
Nicholaus Rohleder
Climate Commodities
Digitalization of Trade Finance

- Growth of CTF FinTech and what we are seeing today
- Evolution or revolution? What is truly most important to the traders and financiers? Impact on risk and capital treatment
- High commodity prices, price volatility, liquidity…. How can the commodity finance industry can pro actively manage during these challenging times
- Can these new technologies help resolve financing and liquidity challenges

Panel Discussion
howard walper
Howard Walper
CEO Americas,
Commodities People
cetin karakus
Cetin Karakus
Global Head of Quantitative and Analytical Solutions, BP
scott feldman
Scott Feldman
COO North America, Voxsmart
dennis carlson
Dennis Carlson
VP Security & Operations,
Molecule Software
Data, data everywhere
  • Trends and impacts of data and digitalization.
  • An overview of data tools and landscape from ingestion to advanced analytics.
  • Developing a framework to manage data and ensure data governance: ensuring data integrity and transparency.
  • Leveraging data analytics to make decisions across domains.
Exhibition Area
Networking Reception & Texas BBQ Dinner

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09 June 2022
Houston, Texas

Markets in Focus: Digitalization

Panel Discussion
Managing Director, Commodities People
randy lack
Element Markets
marc merill
President & CEO,
Uniper North America
Marty Weems
President - North America American Rare Earths Limited and its US Subsidiaries, Western Rare Earths, La Paz Rare Earths, LLC & Wyoming Rare (USA) Inc
adam raphaely
MD, Trading - Carbon and Environmental Products, Mercuria Energy America, LLC
Executive Roundtable

- Impact of carbon policy on commodity trading
- Impact of sustainability initiatives on commodity trading companies
- Combating image issues in an increasingly climate-focused world
- Impact of sustainability initiatives on investment
- ESG from a leadership perspective/Creating a culture of sustainability trading

Managing Director,
Patomak Global Partners
A brief update on the SEC rulemaking on climate disclosures and what this means for trading companies
Exhibition Area
sameer soleja
Founder and CEO,
Molecule Software
pat mckinnon 2
Latigo Energy Group
Asset optimization via crypto mining

-What types of assets are best suited to optimize with mining?
-What are the operational components?
-What kind of costs are involved?
-Can you hedge values? (mitigate value risk)
-Can you trust in liquidity? (Transactional risk)
-Can you leverage value? (Staking)

Fireside Chat
magesh nair
Vennsmith Carbon
James Vogel 2021 (2)
Director of Data Science, CapSpire
Applying artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) in commodities

A framework for kickstarting internal discussions within your organization. 
-Defining AI/ML projects - how are they different from a typical IT systems project.
-Business problems in commodities where AI can be applied
- AI/ML to improve current processes versus creating value and competing better.
-Aligning leadership, data, legal/compliance and ensuring cultural readiness to ensure project success

Profile Placeholder image. Gray silhouette no photo of a person on the avatar. The default pic is used for web design.
Cyber Security Expert
Cyber Security

The past 3 years have highlighted vulnerabilities in our IT infrastructure. What steps should companies take to protect their assets, customer information and reputation?
-What have we learned from recent issues like the Colonial Pipeline outage?
-In light of the Ukraine war, how can companies protect themselves from Russia and other foreign actors?
-What are the steps companies should take in responding to an attack?
-What threats are on the horizon?

13:00 - 14:00
Exhibition Area